Monday, November 8, 2010

School Update

This quarter is proving to be a difficult one and I'm slowly learning that there is more to life than just my education. Unfortunately, I received a B, C, C-, and D on the four midterms I've had during these previous weeks and like any successful student, I was not so happy. When I got my first midterm I was so bummed and I literally was in a state of panic. I felt like I was going to be kicked off the honors program, not graduate with the academic excellence award, and my GPA would be unworthy of grad school. Now that I've seen how horrible I've done in all my midterms, it made me put my life into perspective. It made me think, "do these grades reflect who I am?" Yes and no. Yes, because these grades determine my GPA and my GPA determine what grad school I go to, IF I decide to fulfill a masters. And no, because these grades are only my midterm. I've had previous experiences where I, in my mind, bomb the midterm but end up raising my grade at the end. Although I can't help but never miss class or that I do my projects/papers three weeks before they're due, I'm failing to understand that life is a journey and not a destination; that it doesn't stop when I get a few bad grades on my midterms or hit a few bumps in the road. Lesson learned: if there is no struggle, there is no progress (Frederick Douglas). I guess I just got to keep on working hard and success will continue to come into place.

On a brighter and happier note, I have an interview at Saks Fifth Avenue this Wednesday. Wish me luck! xoxo

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