Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Au Revior et A Bientot Paris!

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It is almost a week since I flew back to the states from Europe, I miss Europe, Paris especially so much! After living in the wonderful city for two months, it's incredible noticing difference between the American and French culture. Although I am an American, I have so much respect for the French who adore living life and loving one another. I feel like Americans are so bothered by their days they forget to enjoy the simple things in life, where in France, these things are celebrated everyday from breakfast to dinner time. Compared to American culture, French culture tend to:

1. enjoy a three course meal during dinner time 2. not smile unless they know each other 3. embrace each other in a more intense passionate way with deep kisses, caressing and hugs if they are intimately involved 4. dislike staring at the toilet thus they always close the bathroom door 5. eat smaller portions 6. eat everything with NO PRESERVATIVES 7. have smaller electric appliances forcing them to do more things such as laundry and cleaning the dishes by hand 8. read body language more easily 9. dislike putting your feet on any sort of furniture 10. have MORE patience than Americans.

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Until next time, I will see you soon Paris. Thank you for all the great memories and experiences! It has truly changed my life. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you!
    I didn't find you until I saw your plug-in on Jennifer's Vlog.
