Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Paris Update

I'm currently sitting on a bench in a beautiful garden I just discovered outside my apartment. I actually stumbled upon it as I was walking to church this morning. As a catholic, I felt like it would be a good experience for me to attend mass here and luckily there was St. Justin church down the street.

It was definitely an out of body experience for me. It was weird to be somewhere so familiar yet so different at the same time since I couldn't understand what the priest was saying. But what I do know was that the whole procession was beautiful. The singing was amazing and the medieval architecture made me feel like I was attending mass in the late 1800's.

Right now I am waiting for my friend Alli to let me knw when she's on her way to the metro to visit the flea markets. I'm on a hunt for some vintage finds as well as jewelry for my sister. Hopefully I'll find some great things! Later tonight I plan on visiting Sacre Coure as well as the Moulin Rouge! I tried to as much homework as I could last night so that I could have a free day today but I will definitely have some work cut out for me tonight.

Later this week, I have Switzerland to look forward to! I'm super excited to go canyoning! I have Nice the week after and the beach is calling my name! The week after that is finals week and I'm not looking forward to that at all. I can't believe everything is happening so fast! I practically have three weeks until I go back home to the states. All I know is now I have to soak everything up and just live life. Europe thus far has been too kind to me and I don't want to leave!!

Super excited for Italy once the program is done! =)

1 comment:

  1. ish! i changed my blog again lol. last time hopefully haha here
