New York here I come!!!

Our room at the Paramount Hotel. (dumbass small, but its what you get in NYC)
Our first night in Times Square!

I forever love shopping in SoHo, especially TopShop/TopMan!!!
More SoHo.
Eating dinner at the fabulous Koi.
This is NYC's Natural History Museum and it's where Night At The Museum with Ben Stiller was filmed! We got to go inside, but it wasn't as good as the MET.
The Guggenheim Museum.
The Model as Muse exhibit Justin Timberlake, Marc Jacobs, and Kate Moss put together! It was the only exhibit I wanted to see! I got to buy a book and poster for remembrance. =)
This is me at the Egyptian exhibit at the MET which was probably the sickest exhibit I have ever seen. It had water around the Egyptian ruins!
The Metropolitan Museum from the outside. We were told it was the 2nd most visited museum in the world! When I was planning to go to NYC, I told myself I had to visit this museum, especially for the Model As Muse exhibit.
This is a picture of our tour guide. She was uber fierce with her Carrie Bradshaw-esque belt. She totally had a NY accent too and I'm pretty sure I learned the most from her.

The Empire State Building.
This is where John Lennon got shot. TRAGEDY.
We got to see ground zero, in which they had a small little tribute center. This quote was part of their exhibit and it instantly made me cry. After I read it, I tried to imagine who I would call or what I would say and it just made me ball.

5Th Avenue Shopping! This is a picture of Bergdorf Goodman, where i purchased my YSL cologne.
This is another picture of 5th avenue. It has Chanel, YSL, Miu Miu, Nokia, and Burberry on this strip. Across the street was Tiffany's, Nike, abd some other shit.
We ate at Famous Daves 3 out of the 7 days we were there. We absolutely loved all our servers, and the food had us coming back for more! Not to mention their drinks!
Colombus Circle.
Central Park!
Ellis Island!
The Statue of Liberty! It was amazing to see in person!Honestly, there was so much more. Like we got to see The Soup Kitchen on Seinfeld, where Denzel Washington lives, where Bono lives, where Jackie O used to live, Brooklyn Bridge, the only outdoor Picasso Painting in the US, and so much more, but I felt to lazy to resize and border all of them on PS. Looks like you bitches will have to go there on your own. Or better yet, hopefully you'll be able to visit me when I find my ass a career out there after college! no like, forreals. I LOVE NYC!
i am so jealous!! glad you had fun. and when you move there i'll come visit =) and i love your new banner