Monday, August 31, 2009
Buh Bye Solstice, Hello Full Time UCSB Student
Yesterday I ended my two year employment with retailer Solstice Sunglass Boutique. I can't believe I have stayed with the company for that long! It's not too much of a surprise since I ended my other job, Sears after a two years employment as well. Plus, I enjoyed my time at Solstice. My coworkers were great, my hours were great, the discount was amazing, and the FREE THINGS were great.
Out of my stay at Solstice, I was able to get promoted from lead stylist to key holder, which was great because I now have manager experience! I was also able to go on tv and do a celebrity fashion segment with NBC's KCRA news in Sacramento. I did a lot during my stay there and I'm glad with what I was able to accomplish. I will truly miss my coworkers. Out of the two years, we have never hired anyone else because we were such a close group. Sometimes it was bad since we were too close, we got used to each others ways. Some people would just constantly lie, wait it was all of the girls who would. Vince and I were pretty much the only normal ones. But to say the least, I loved everyone. It was nice to see Marie visit me during my last day at work. Katy was about to cry her eyes out. I will truly miss them, but I am now ready for the next chapter in my life. Not to mention a new job! I told myself if I ever wanted to do retail, I'd do it big or go home. So Louis Vuitton, Salvatore Ferregamo, Gucci, Marc jacobs, Marc By Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson, Saks, Bloomy's, here I come!
[EDIT] August 31st, 2009
To the faboosh team that is, Solstice Stoneridge:
It has been a long journey with you all and unfortunately, my time has come! I know, I know, you don’t want to see me leave. You think it was my decision to leave? You think I want to go off to the land of hotties and finally graduate from college so I can make bank? Yea, right. Anyways, as Shannon has done before I thought I should leave you all with a note of “goodbye.” (Although it isn’t a goodbye, it is more or less a “see you later!”)
Amber – Thanks for the numerous and countless opportunities you have given me such as promoting me to key when I started off a your most fabulous “stylist,” and giving me the opportunity to be on NBC’s KCRA News on celebrity style segment. Who doesn’t love camera time? I thank you for constant bickering on being organized and clean; it has only given me stronger organization and cleaning skills. Just thank you for everything and seeing the potential you saw in me when I blew you away at my interview by naming designers you didn’t even know. Haha I’m glad to be your first employee you didn’t fire after your long period of terminations. I will miss your insane stories about your family, Matt, RUPERRRRRT! and the dysfunctions of your body. TWILIGHT FOR LIFE!!!!! TEAM EMMETT!!
Marie – It has been a crazy journey with you! Loved the conversations we had about life, the future, sex (opps, can I say that on here?), shopping, Adam Levine, and more BOYS! It will truly be one of the things I miss. =( If you ever stumble upon a styling, modeling, or shopping quarrel, you know I’m only a phone call or email away, so Iphone pic that shizz and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Also, thanks for inviting me to your lovely wedding! It was an honor to witness such a momentous part of your life. I wish you, Greg, Frenchie, and the Louboutinies the best! Kisses.
Katy – GURRRRRRRL. Opps, I mean HAYYYYYYYYYY! I will miss your rebellious ass (please don’t show this to Adam or Ross, I think I’m saying a lot of inappropriate things)! I will miss the conversations I had with you about life, school, tattoos, your countless amounts of banging earrings, boys, crazy parties, and more! It is always fun working with you, and I hope you give the new employee hell, because it’s not me. I will also miss you trying on sunglasses you will never buy, checking out boys to see if they’re on or off, our massages, and you eating off my food! I’m just going to miss you muchos. Can’t wait till you come down in SB. It’s doing down. HAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! *does the lean back motions
Vince – My brotha from anotha motha. I’m glad I got the chance to meet you here at Solstice. Thanks for giving me the testosterone I needed in this estrogen filled environment. Look how far we got, I included you in my circle of friends and we find out we have certain friends in common! Thanks for all the times you drove my drunkass home, for the invitations to your casa, for meeting your wonderful family, and for joining me and OUR friends on stupid and crazy adventures. I will miss you like my ride or dies. But it won’t be too bad since I’m sure I will be seeing you just as much as I will see Anna or Krystle. I hope you get that Dolby internship, keep me posted! Please don’t drop any more classes, I need to see your ass out of Chabot (tell Krystle and Anna the same thing too, you guys are killing me!). Alright, I’ll see you when you come down to SB!
Thanks again guys for all the fabulous memories, if you ever have a problem or questions feel free to call me or shoot me an email. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. UCSB here I come!
<3 Ish.
Out of my stay at Solstice, I was able to get promoted from lead stylist to key holder, which was great because I now have manager experience! I was also able to go on tv and do a celebrity fashion segment with NBC's KCRA news in Sacramento. I did a lot during my stay there and I'm glad with what I was able to accomplish. I will truly miss my coworkers. Out of the two years, we have never hired anyone else because we were such a close group. Sometimes it was bad since we were too close, we got used to each others ways. Some people would just constantly lie, wait it was all of the girls who would. Vince and I were pretty much the only normal ones. But to say the least, I loved everyone. It was nice to see Marie visit me during my last day at work. Katy was about to cry her eyes out. I will truly miss them, but I am now ready for the next chapter in my life. Not to mention a new job! I told myself if I ever wanted to do retail, I'd do it big or go home. So Louis Vuitton, Salvatore Ferregamo, Gucci, Marc jacobs, Marc By Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson, Saks, Bloomy's, here I come!
[EDIT] August 31st, 2009
To the faboosh team that is, Solstice Stoneridge:
It has been a long journey with you all and unfortunately, my time has come! I know, I know, you don’t want to see me leave. You think it was my decision to leave? You think I want to go off to the land of hotties and finally graduate from college so I can make bank? Yea, right. Anyways, as Shannon has done before I thought I should leave you all with a note of “goodbye.” (Although it isn’t a goodbye, it is more or less a “see you later!”)
Amber – Thanks for the numerous and countless opportunities you have given me such as promoting me to key when I started off a your most fabulous “stylist,” and giving me the opportunity to be on NBC’s KCRA News on celebrity style segment. Who doesn’t love camera time? I thank you for constant bickering on being organized and clean; it has only given me stronger organization and cleaning skills. Just thank you for everything and seeing the potential you saw in me when I blew you away at my interview by naming designers you didn’t even know. Haha I’m glad to be your first employee you didn’t fire after your long period of terminations. I will miss your insane stories about your family, Matt, RUPERRRRRT! and the dysfunctions of your body. TWILIGHT FOR LIFE!!!!! TEAM EMMETT!!
Marie – It has been a crazy journey with you! Loved the conversations we had about life, the future, sex (opps, can I say that on here?), shopping, Adam Levine, and more BOYS! It will truly be one of the things I miss. =( If you ever stumble upon a styling, modeling, or shopping quarrel, you know I’m only a phone call or email away, so Iphone pic that shizz and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Also, thanks for inviting me to your lovely wedding! It was an honor to witness such a momentous part of your life. I wish you, Greg, Frenchie, and the Louboutinies the best! Kisses.
Katy – GURRRRRRRL. Opps, I mean HAYYYYYYYYYY! I will miss your rebellious ass (please don’t show this to Adam or Ross, I think I’m saying a lot of inappropriate things)! I will miss the conversations I had with you about life, school, tattoos, your countless amounts of banging earrings, boys, crazy parties, and more! It is always fun working with you, and I hope you give the new employee hell, because it’s not me. I will also miss you trying on sunglasses you will never buy, checking out boys to see if they’re on or off, our massages, and you eating off my food! I’m just going to miss you muchos. Can’t wait till you come down in SB. It’s doing down. HAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! *does the lean back motions
Vince – My brotha from anotha motha. I’m glad I got the chance to meet you here at Solstice. Thanks for giving me the testosterone I needed in this estrogen filled environment. Look how far we got, I included you in my circle of friends and we find out we have certain friends in common! Thanks for all the times you drove my drunkass home, for the invitations to your casa, for meeting your wonderful family, and for joining me and OUR friends on stupid and crazy adventures. I will miss you like my ride or dies. But it won’t be too bad since I’m sure I will be seeing you just as much as I will see Anna or Krystle. I hope you get that Dolby internship, keep me posted! Please don’t drop any more classes, I need to see your ass out of Chabot (tell Krystle and Anna the same thing too, you guys are killing me!). Alright, I’ll see you when you come down to SB!
Thanks again guys for all the fabulous memories, if you ever have a problem or questions feel free to call me or shoot me an email. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. UCSB here I come!
<3 Ish.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Why don't I live in NYC?
Oh, that's right, because I chose to go to school in Southern California and because there is no way in hell I'd be able to live in Manhattan right now. Ugh. Anywho, in order to boost our economy, New York Cities finest fashionistas decided to create Fashion's Night Out on September 10th, 2009. Celebrities such as the Olsen twins will be bartending at Barney's, while Pharrell plays cashier at Billionaire Boys Club, Cindy Crawford at JC'Penny's, Anna Wintour at Macy's (in Queens!), and much much more! Who wouldn't want to disburse in NYC's 5 boroughs, shop, drink, and meet celebrities! Not to mention talk fashion with them! I'd die. Why doesn't California do this? I need to talk to the CFDA stat. Lets make this soon to be "holiday" nation wide baby. Great idea right?!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Quick Pic from Levi's Photoshoot.

Quick Update.

This past weekend Vince, Anna, Tim and I made a pretty random trip up to Tahoe. We left Friday night, and got there around 1 or 2am. From there we decided to live it up and drink a bit. We ended up going to sleep around 4am. We wake up around 11am and grabbed some lunch. We ate our lunch on the lake and figured out whether we wanted to go jet skiing or kayaking. We end up going kayaking, which was super fun. Jet skiing would have been fun, but we'll try that out next time. There was like 3572893 people waiting to go on the jet skis', and we really weren't patient. After that we head back to the the cabin to make some dinner. After dinner I make myself a few drinks to keep me up and I end up having about seven! I'm such a boss. Everyone else is pretty drained. We end the night by going over to the strip and play a few games at the arcade. Head home around 12am and call it a night. We leave the next morning around 6am in order for Vince to get to work since he had to open. I came in around 2pm and worked as well. It was a pretty fun, chill, relaxing, and tiring weekend. It was def a good way to OFFICIALLY end the summer.
On another note, my days at work and at my internship are slowly coming to an end. For both places, I end my employment in two weeks! This summer has gone super fast, and I think CBS played a part in that. That and work too. I never really had a summer I guess, but the festivities, adventures, and birthday's sure made it seem like it! This summer has been extremely nice to me with trips to New York, Disneyland, Tahoe x2, Santa Barbara and all the parties! RIP Summer 2009. I better be doing something twice as great next summer! France, Italy, or Greece with Sophia, anyone?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Personal 31 Qoutes To Live By
1. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
2. Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
3.If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
4. Not life, but good life is to be chiefly valued.
5. One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
6. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
7. To live is to survive.
8. If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
9. The soul that is within me no man can degrade.
10. The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.
11. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
12. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
13. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplished.
14. Practice is the best of all instructors.
15. The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have.
16. You must be the chance you see in the world.
17. For living the good life one should never step out.
18. But at the end of the day, the fact that we show up for each other in spite of our difference, no matter what we believe is reason enough to keep believing.
19. If we do not prepare children to become good citizens, if we do not develop their capacities, then our republic must go down to destruction.
20. Live the life that you love, love the life that you live.
21. The greatest art is to endure - Yves Saint Laurent
22. In business and in fashion you've got to be strong willed. You can get run over quite easily. - Alexander McQueen
23. If there is no work, it won't work.
24. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier
25. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Audrey Hepburn
26. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
27. Be bold. Take risks. - Zac Posen
28. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
29. The most important relationship you have is the relationship you have with yourself - Diane Von Furstenburg
30. Only a life lived for others is worth living
31. Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.
2. Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
3.If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
4. Not life, but good life is to be chiefly valued.
5. One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
6. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
7. To live is to survive.
8. If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
9. The soul that is within me no man can degrade.
10. The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.
11. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
12. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
13. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplished.
14. Practice is the best of all instructors.
15. The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have.
16. You must be the chance you see in the world.
17. For living the good life one should never step out.
18. But at the end of the day, the fact that we show up for each other in spite of our difference, no matter what we believe is reason enough to keep believing.
19. If we do not prepare children to become good citizens, if we do not develop their capacities, then our republic must go down to destruction.
20. Live the life that you love, love the life that you live.
21. The greatest art is to endure - Yves Saint Laurent
22. In business and in fashion you've got to be strong willed. You can get run over quite easily. - Alexander McQueen
23. If there is no work, it won't work.
24. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier
25. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Audrey Hepburn
26. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
27. Be bold. Take risks. - Zac Posen
28. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
29. The most important relationship you have is the relationship you have with yourself - Diane Von Furstenburg
30. Only a life lived for others is worth living
31. Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm such a Twilight junkie, I LOVE IT!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I can finally breathe.
This weekend has been bananas! Starting off with the very beginning of the weekend, I was somewhat excited for the festivities to come. Here's how my train wreck of a weekend came out to be.
Friday, 08.14.09 - Parents go off to Vegas at 6am to attend my Uncle's wedding the next day. Uber jealous that I wasn't able to attend, because I had called the previous 2 weekends off already, I figure I would HAVE to go to work this weekend. It was a last minute wedding as well so there wasn't much I could do. I come to work after a long hiatus and actually missed it. I surprisingly had a great time working with my manager despite the things she may do. Later that night, Jamie, Richelle, Anna, Tim and I go to Fuz. I've been feeling pretty hesitant with the relationship Tim and I have, but I'll get to that later. The night was loads of fun, but I ended up feeling sick towards the end of the night, because I mixed my alcohol like an idiot. The girls and I were basically kaput at about midnight, which is so sad! We left around 130am, and Tim brought up the idea to go out and swim. We were all up for it until Jamie received her "period" and Richelle's mother kept "calling her" so we all went out separate ways and called it a night.
Saturday, 08.15.09 - Wake up at about 11am and decide to get my hair did to prep myself for a Levi's Jeans photoshoot Camilla wanted Toya, Anna, and I to do with her. I also went to Target to pick up a few items for my new apartment. I then get ready for work and go. Work was amazing, made some really great sales. At the end of the night, Anna and I get ready at her house for an event my sister and a few friends were throwing. Vince meets us up and we learn there is some major dramz with the place, because they aren't able to get one of their host/friend in. Tim meets us up, because I invited him there and he loves my sister. So we all go to Oaks Sports bar in Oakland, and find that the place isn't too fun. There's about 20 people in the place and it's already 1130pm. I then find out my sister is still trying to get her friend into the club but isn't able to. She ends up not spending a majority of the night at the event and rather helping out her friend. She gets upset because out of her group of friends she was feeling like the only one putting an effort in getting one of their girls into the place. Not trying to get into all the deets, but it was overall messy and disastrous. Tim gives us the idea that we should just leave and swim. So we say yes, and decide to go to Vinces.
While we're all heading to Vince's, I can't help but think about my sister. I hate it when I see her cry! It always gets to me for some reason. We have like this super weird relationship, but it always gets to me when she's upset. I guess it's that older brother thing. I just get over protective. So we end up at Vince's. Anna is hungry and Tim volunteers to go with her. Tim ends up using that time to go off and sort of some dramz he has back home with his ex-bf and tells Anna that it wouldn't be a big deal to let me know he left. It ends up being a big deal to me, because I totally wasn't expecting him to just leave me like that. Out of the years I've known him I have never thought he would do something like that, but he did and I think that's what made me so emotional. That and the fact that I was starting to fall for him, because of the way he would behave around me. It's just one of those things were you get kind of confused with what the other person wants, because of the way they talk, touch, or stare at you. He ends up finding out that I take it personally and immediately becomes apologetic. That night I end up not taking any of his shit and just ignore all his txts and calls. At the time I feel like I needed space to really think about it and put things into perspective. I mean, he was juggling my feelings!
I hate it when guys juggle my feelings and not really tell me whats up. But anyways, I just got off the phone with him after an hour and a half conversation. We sorted things out, got both sides of the story, and just really let out our feelings for each other. Relationship or not, I know that I would be ok with his decision. Even though we both see potential in each other as partners, we decided that it would be best in both our interests that we let our relationship remain a friendship. Though I've known the looney for almost 6 years, I feel like it is probably the best decision we could have made as friends. Though I won't lie that I did like him more as a friend, I believe that personally at this stage in my life (and in his), it would just make things complicated. I always here that sometimes the best relationships come off from friendships. I see a lot of qualities in Tim that I hope to see in my future bf's. It's just not in the book for us right now. AHHH so that's the Timmy situation.
Sunday, 08.16.09 - I go to pick up my parents from SFO. I hear that the wedding was lovely and that my parents went to go see the Blue Men Group, and become jealous! I've always been huge fan of their performances! Youtube'em, they're AMAZING. I then end up cooking my sister and mother some breakfast foods for lunch. Breakfast food is such a comfort food for me, that after a horrendous night, it was definitely something I needed. Later that day, I head out to my Levi's Jeans photoshoot. I meet up with Anna and Camilla. Camilla does Anna's makeup, and we meet up with my cousin and his friends, and TOYA! We were shot at local studio in Fremont by Ian Maxion. Ian is one of Camilla's old high school friends. The shoot was uber fun! I wore a vintage Levi's jean jacket, a UO Super V in white, Skinny Black 511 Levi's, Black high top Converse, my Rolexito, eagle ring, and chain necklace. They love my Rayban Wayfarers and thought I should incorporate them into my photos. I was loads of fun! Camilla, Toya, Anna, and I got to have our own little shoot. Ian will be sending us the photos soon, so I ill keep you posted on those!
Later that night, I meet up with Krystle. Anna, Krystle and I decide to go over to Target to get a few things. Since we're starving we end up going to In-N-Out as our last meal together for the summer! They start school tomorrow, and I can't get over the fact that for the first time in 8 years, I will not be joining them! =( I start to cry when Anna told me. It's such a reality check tomorrow when they'll be in school and I'll be home (since I don't start till the end of September). But it was one great summer with my best and clothes friends (yes, that includes you Vince). AHHHH!!! Summer's Over. =( LIFE.
Friday, 08.14.09 - Parents go off to Vegas at 6am to attend my Uncle's wedding the next day. Uber jealous that I wasn't able to attend, because I had called the previous 2 weekends off already, I figure I would HAVE to go to work this weekend. It was a last minute wedding as well so there wasn't much I could do. I come to work after a long hiatus and actually missed it. I surprisingly had a great time working with my manager despite the things she may do. Later that night, Jamie, Richelle, Anna, Tim and I go to Fuz. I've been feeling pretty hesitant with the relationship Tim and I have, but I'll get to that later. The night was loads of fun, but I ended up feeling sick towards the end of the night, because I mixed my alcohol like an idiot. The girls and I were basically kaput at about midnight, which is so sad! We left around 130am, and Tim brought up the idea to go out and swim. We were all up for it until Jamie received her "period" and Richelle's mother kept "calling her" so we all went out separate ways and called it a night.
Saturday, 08.15.09 - Wake up at about 11am and decide to get my hair did to prep myself for a Levi's Jeans photoshoot Camilla wanted Toya, Anna, and I to do with her. I also went to Target to pick up a few items for my new apartment. I then get ready for work and go. Work was amazing, made some really great sales. At the end of the night, Anna and I get ready at her house for an event my sister and a few friends were throwing. Vince meets us up and we learn there is some major dramz with the place, because they aren't able to get one of their host/friend in. Tim meets us up, because I invited him there and he loves my sister. So we all go to Oaks Sports bar in Oakland, and find that the place isn't too fun. There's about 20 people in the place and it's already 1130pm. I then find out my sister is still trying to get her friend into the club but isn't able to. She ends up not spending a majority of the night at the event and rather helping out her friend. She gets upset because out of her group of friends she was feeling like the only one putting an effort in getting one of their girls into the place. Not trying to get into all the deets, but it was overall messy and disastrous. Tim gives us the idea that we should just leave and swim. So we say yes, and decide to go to Vinces.
While we're all heading to Vince's, I can't help but think about my sister. I hate it when I see her cry! It always gets to me for some reason. We have like this super weird relationship, but it always gets to me when she's upset. I guess it's that older brother thing. I just get over protective. So we end up at Vince's. Anna is hungry and Tim volunteers to go with her. Tim ends up using that time to go off and sort of some dramz he has back home with his ex-bf and tells Anna that it wouldn't be a big deal to let me know he left. It ends up being a big deal to me, because I totally wasn't expecting him to just leave me like that. Out of the years I've known him I have never thought he would do something like that, but he did and I think that's what made me so emotional. That and the fact that I was starting to fall for him, because of the way he would behave around me. It's just one of those things were you get kind of confused with what the other person wants, because of the way they talk, touch, or stare at you. He ends up finding out that I take it personally and immediately becomes apologetic. That night I end up not taking any of his shit and just ignore all his txts and calls. At the time I feel like I needed space to really think about it and put things into perspective. I mean, he was juggling my feelings!
I hate it when guys juggle my feelings and not really tell me whats up. But anyways, I just got off the phone with him after an hour and a half conversation. We sorted things out, got both sides of the story, and just really let out our feelings for each other. Relationship or not, I know that I would be ok with his decision. Even though we both see potential in each other as partners, we decided that it would be best in both our interests that we let our relationship remain a friendship. Though I've known the looney for almost 6 years, I feel like it is probably the best decision we could have made as friends. Though I won't lie that I did like him more as a friend, I believe that personally at this stage in my life (and in his), it would just make things complicated. I always here that sometimes the best relationships come off from friendships. I see a lot of qualities in Tim that I hope to see in my future bf's. It's just not in the book for us right now. AHHH so that's the Timmy situation.
Sunday, 08.16.09 - I go to pick up my parents from SFO. I hear that the wedding was lovely and that my parents went to go see the Blue Men Group, and become jealous! I've always been huge fan of their performances! Youtube'em, they're AMAZING. I then end up cooking my sister and mother some breakfast foods for lunch. Breakfast food is such a comfort food for me, that after a horrendous night, it was definitely something I needed. Later that day, I head out to my Levi's Jeans photoshoot. I meet up with Anna and Camilla. Camilla does Anna's makeup, and we meet up with my cousin and his friends, and TOYA! We were shot at local studio in Fremont by Ian Maxion. Ian is one of Camilla's old high school friends. The shoot was uber fun! I wore a vintage Levi's jean jacket, a UO Super V in white, Skinny Black 511 Levi's, Black high top Converse, my Rolexito, eagle ring, and chain necklace. They love my Rayban Wayfarers and thought I should incorporate them into my photos. I was loads of fun! Camilla, Toya, Anna, and I got to have our own little shoot. Ian will be sending us the photos soon, so I ill keep you posted on those!
Later that night, I meet up with Krystle. Anna, Krystle and I decide to go over to Target to get a few things. Since we're starving we end up going to In-N-Out as our last meal together for the summer! They start school tomorrow, and I can't get over the fact that for the first time in 8 years, I will not be joining them! =( I start to cry when Anna told me. It's such a reality check tomorrow when they'll be in school and I'll be home (since I don't start till the end of September). But it was one great summer with my best and clothes friends (yes, that includes you Vince). AHHHH!!! Summer's Over. =( LIFE.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Style Qoute
Damage, as in retail damage.
Being an avid Marc by Marc Jacobs fan doesn't help your bank account. In fact, it makes you poorer of the poorest. haha At least that's how I felt after snagging these two MMJ shirts for $120 during a GILT sale. What a buy right?! I just had to. At first I was debating between the two and was leaning more towards the floral printed shirt. I was talking to Jamie (who is the worst to shop with since you end up buying too much), and she influenced me to get both. I really do need some summer button ups, and I though these styles were both age appropriate no matter what the occasion. Yay for shopping. I cant believe I just spent 180 on one day, when I know I'm about to be a broke, struggling college student, who will eat nothing but Ramen everyday (gross)! OH WELL. Haha
On a side note, his last photo shoot, shown here with GQ was pretty good. Haven't read the article yet, but I'm sure his interview was fairly decent. I mean he isn't that hot in Hollywood yet nor is he an amazing actor. But I'm glad he's starting to make a name for himself. He seems like a pretty serious actor. At least he's good eye candy. MMMMM
Monday, August 10, 2009
Lets do a quick rewind.
Thursday, 08.06.09 - It's one of my favorite fellow intern's last day, Sanyee! =(
My favorite and only Harvard friend finally had her last day on Thursday. I immediately fell in love with her bright and bubbly personality. She is such an amazing person and she truly is someone who can lighten up your day if your not feeling too shabby. I will miss all our lovely talks, lunches, brown bag lunches, PA-ing on all our CBS shows, and so much more. I have learned a bunch from her. Can't wait to visit her in Boston! Hopefully I'll be able to come up in the fall or spring. I'd love to see what an Ivy League school looks like!
Thursday, 08.06.09 (later that same night) to Saturday, 08.08.09 - I come home late from working at CBS (since it was Sanyee's last day, I decided to stay till 5pm and meet her lovely mum) and start to pack. I'm leaving for UCSB's transfer orientation. I was super excited! We left about 11pm and got there at about 3am. Pick up the keys to my future apartment from Anh's friend Tom, who is super cute. Then we settle in and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and meet my parents at Campbell Hall on the UCSB campus. They go out on a tour as I check in. Orientation was from 8am to 5pm. It was a full day of getting to know the school, how to pick classes, how to register for full major, what the requirements are for graduation, and much more. I got to take my UCSB ID and buy a UCSB sweatshirt. It hasn't all sunk in yet that I'm moving, but at the end of the day it all started to turn into reality. After orientation, I meet up with Anna and Krystle. I take em out to my favorite pizza parlor, Woodstocks! We have a fabulous meal and decide to go back to the apartment and drink there. We get a little crazy and fall asleep around 12am, because we're all exhausted. Later that morning we wake up and decide to go get some lunch at Freebirds. We then go buy some booze, drink, dance a whole lot, and decide to swim at the apartment. I HAVE A FREAKING SWIMMING POOL IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX! SO COOL. It's actually right in front of my apartment as well. =) Anna basically has too much to drink and end up passing out by the toilet. *memories. We basically have a fabulous time talking about all the things life has to offer from friends, family, love, and sex! There was lot of details, but lets just say college life in SB is too much fun. I can't wait for them to come visit me, when they help me move and settle in. When they leave me from there, it will truly hit me. =( I LOVE MY BFF's. Here's a picture of my future room, I can't wait to spruce it all up with my inner interior designer! It's going to look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! So remember what it looks like currently, It's definitely going to be the before picture. Don't cha love our flat screen? haha

Sunday, 08.09.09 - The girls and I leave around noon. It was sad to find out that our last road trip of the summer was coming to an end. We leave and eat at a local breakfast place called, Cajun Kitchen. I've been there last Halloween, and it was amazing, so I had to take them there. They loved the food and we left super full. From there we headed to 101. Got home around 7pm I believe. Later that night, we decided to go swimming since the night was still surprisingly hot. Once again we get into our deep bff conversations about friends, family, the future, and sex. haha. Never gets old. We then head back to my place, as my dad cooked pasta. We were weirdly hungry, so we ate that and a whole bunch of other things. Then we called it a night and finally ended our time together.
Monday, 08.10.09 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER! My siblings and I wake up around 10am, and decide to take my mother our on her birthday. What way to celebrate then go out to Emeryville and San Francisco during this fabulous weather. We first go to Ikea. I needed to pick up a few things when I move out. Left with about 200 dollars of damage, and that isn't even my furniture yet! We decide to eat lunch there and I treat myself to a Greek salad, my favs! I end up coming out with my bed sheets as well as a duvet (which is something I wanted for so long!), a desk chair, laundry bags, a side table, tea light candle holders, and some other things I can't remember. After that we head to the city to treat us to some shopping. My sister and I pick up a few items at AA on Front street. We continue to walk around the city and end up having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. Then we called it a night and are now at home. I am truly going to miss my mother when I move out. =( I'm such a mama's boy, and I know my mom relies a lot on me. I see her already freaking out with my two rambunctious siblings at home when I'm away. <3 Her.
Thursday, 08.06.09 - It's one of my favorite fellow intern's last day, Sanyee! =(
Thursday, 08.06.09 (later that same night) to Saturday, 08.08.09 - I come home late from working at CBS (since it was Sanyee's last day, I decided to stay till 5pm and meet her lovely mum) and start to pack. I'm leaving for UCSB's transfer orientation. I was super excited! We left about 11pm and got there at about 3am. Pick up the keys to my future apartment from Anh's friend Tom, who is super cute. Then we settle in and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and meet my parents at Campbell Hall on the UCSB campus. They go out on a tour as I check in. Orientation was from 8am to 5pm. It was a full day of getting to know the school, how to pick classes, how to register for full major, what the requirements are for graduation, and much more. I got to take my UCSB ID and buy a UCSB sweatshirt. It hasn't all sunk in yet that I'm moving, but at the end of the day it all started to turn into reality. After orientation, I meet up with Anna and Krystle. I take em out to my favorite pizza parlor, Woodstocks! We have a fabulous meal and decide to go back to the apartment and drink there. We get a little crazy and fall asleep around 12am, because we're all exhausted. Later that morning we wake up and decide to go get some lunch at Freebirds. We then go buy some booze, drink, dance a whole lot, and decide to swim at the apartment. I HAVE A FREAKING SWIMMING POOL IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX! SO COOL. It's actually right in front of my apartment as well. =) Anna basically has too much to drink and end up passing out by the toilet. *memories. We basically have a fabulous time talking about all the things life has to offer from friends, family, love, and sex! There was lot of details, but lets just say college life in SB is too much fun. I can't wait for them to come visit me, when they help me move and settle in. When they leave me from there, it will truly hit me. =( I LOVE MY BFF's. Here's a picture of my future room, I can't wait to spruce it all up with my inner interior designer! It's going to look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! So remember what it looks like currently, It's definitely going to be the before picture. Don't cha love our flat screen? haha
Sunday, 08.09.09 - The girls and I leave around noon. It was sad to find out that our last road trip of the summer was coming to an end. We leave and eat at a local breakfast place called, Cajun Kitchen. I've been there last Halloween, and it was amazing, so I had to take them there. They loved the food and we left super full. From there we headed to 101. Got home around 7pm I believe. Later that night, we decided to go swimming since the night was still surprisingly hot. Once again we get into our deep bff conversations about friends, family, the future, and sex. haha. Never gets old. We then head back to my place, as my dad cooked pasta. We were weirdly hungry, so we ate that and a whole bunch of other things. Then we called it a night and finally ended our time together.
Monday, 08.10.09 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER! My siblings and I wake up around 10am, and decide to take my mother our on her birthday. What way to celebrate then go out to Emeryville and San Francisco during this fabulous weather. We first go to Ikea. I needed to pick up a few things when I move out. Left with about 200 dollars of damage, and that isn't even my furniture yet! We decide to eat lunch there and I treat myself to a Greek salad, my favs! I end up coming out with my bed sheets as well as a duvet (which is something I wanted for so long!), a desk chair, laundry bags, a side table, tea light candle holders, and some other things I can't remember. After that we head to the city to treat us to some shopping. My sister and I pick up a few items at AA on Front street. We continue to walk around the city and end up having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. Then we called it a night and are now at home. I am truly going to miss my mother when I move out. =( I'm such a mama's boy, and I know my mom relies a lot on me. I see her already freaking out with my two rambunctious siblings at home when I'm away. <3 Her.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Horoscope 08.05.09
Dear Aries, today is a good day for business, because of how straight-forward the energy is. A deal made today will probably stick, so keep your eyes open for the one with the most potential capital gain. A solid business deal today can carry itself far into the future.
[/NOTE:] Though I am interning at a televised media conglomerate, I was able to get a change at a possible business/fashion opportunity. My supervisor, Akilah, learned that I would love to pursue PR in the fashion industry. During an interns luncheon on Monday she gave me a contact and future opportunity to further my interests. His name is Dino Ray Ramos and he is deeply involved in the fashion industry. He writes fashion columns and blogs for several publications both online and print such as The Oakland Tribune, SF Examiner, StyleHive, and many more. I emailed him earlier this morning asking if he would love to be a guest on our CBS 5 Bay Sunday show and gladly accepted! Score! I will definitely be sitting in on this taping, even though I plan on being in SB that weekend before school starts. Hopefully I will be able to build upon this relationship and score a career in impeccable fashion world with the help of his knowledge and mentor-ship! And I've learned that he's going to fashion week in NYC for the Fall early September, the week before we tape our segment for the show. I can't wait to see what he has to say about the shows. Super jealous, but hopefully it'll be my time soon. HOPEFULLY.
On Love:
Your awareness of independence seemingly scares your lover, even though you have never actually voiced it. Perhaps during quiet times today, if you emphasize your lover's importance to you, this may help with the awkward vibe. Give it a try.
[/NOTE:] I know I'm moving in a little more than a month, and that at this part of my life I'm more career driven then love driven. I think at this point I would sacrifice love for my career. But am I delusional? According to my horoscope, it seems like I should put my independent feelings and allow for some vulnerability. I have told him I feel like I don't need a relationship, but is it what I really want? When I'm with him, he's pretty important? We'll see..
Dear Aries, today is a good day for business, because of how straight-forward the energy is. A deal made today will probably stick, so keep your eyes open for the one with the most potential capital gain. A solid business deal today can carry itself far into the future.
[/NOTE:] Though I am interning at a televised media conglomerate, I was able to get a change at a possible business/fashion opportunity. My supervisor, Akilah, learned that I would love to pursue PR in the fashion industry. During an interns luncheon on Monday she gave me a contact and future opportunity to further my interests. His name is Dino Ray Ramos and he is deeply involved in the fashion industry. He writes fashion columns and blogs for several publications both online and print such as The Oakland Tribune, SF Examiner, StyleHive, and many more. I emailed him earlier this morning asking if he would love to be a guest on our CBS 5 Bay Sunday show and gladly accepted! Score! I will definitely be sitting in on this taping, even though I plan on being in SB that weekend before school starts. Hopefully I will be able to build upon this relationship and score a career in impeccable fashion world with the help of his knowledge and mentor-ship! And I've learned that he's going to fashion week in NYC for the Fall early September, the week before we tape our segment for the show. I can't wait to see what he has to say about the shows. Super jealous, but hopefully it'll be my time soon. HOPEFULLY.
On Love:
Your awareness of independence seemingly scares your lover, even though you have never actually voiced it. Perhaps during quiet times today, if you emphasize your lover's importance to you, this may help with the awkward vibe. Give it a try.
[/NOTE:] I know I'm moving in a little more than a month, and that at this part of my life I'm more career driven then love driven. I think at this point I would sacrifice love for my career. But am I delusional? According to my horoscope, it seems like I should put my independent feelings and allow for some vulnerability. I have told him I feel like I don't need a relationship, but is it what I really want? When I'm with him, he's pretty important? We'll see..
Dear US, when will you ever learn?
Once upon a time, super models use to own the covers of top magazines. It's unfortunate the US forgets that models are used for a purpose, like being on the cover of a FASHION magazine. I understand celebrities can generate revenue or be used as promotion tactics, but is that it? Good job Anna for putting Christy Turlington on the cover of this last issue of Vogue. Come on Glenda, can you do the same?
Magazine Covers
Nine VMA 2009 nominations, can you blame her?
Though she may have the most quirkiest style and outrageous hair styles ever, she is nevertheless an amazing performer. Even when you strip Lady Gaga to just her voice and a piano like this youtube video, she never fails to deliver. AMAZEBALLS!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Do they? Are you my unexpectedness? If you are, I HATE YOUR STINKIN GUTS. Why do you continue to play with my mind? BOYS SUCK.
(500) Days of Summer.
AHHHH! I need this DVD already. I should go to Oakland and get it on bootleg. That's how much I loved this movie. I'm glad I got to see it. usually the movies I want to see, I end up not going to see either because I rather spend on clothes, which makes me broke or because I don't have time. I did notice though, that I see more movies than I usually do with Tim. I got to see Star Trek with him and that movie ended up being really good. Oh, and I bought a new book called "The Time Travelers Wife," and I can't wait to finish reading it before watching the movie. The movie looks amazing, and I'm sure Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana do a great job in it. Ahhh, go see (500) Days of Summer.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Noelan's First Birthday!
Today is little Noelanito's first birthday! Party started around noon and I wanted to get there on time so that I could stay a little over a full hour since I had to leave for work at 2pm. Camilla and Ryan chose an appropriate theme, Disney. The cake was absolutely gorgeous as well as the centerpieces. Thomishia made the bombest of bomb cupcakes!! I died. I'm sad I didnt get to stay and swim, eat tons of tasty foods and such, but I am glad to have made my appearance at his first birthday! He's growing up! AHH, why am I getting so old?!!
Other than that, I worked from 2 to 6pm. Pretty slow day. Shizz has been going down at work. Lets just say some of our co workers may be getting fired (it's about time too if you ask me). I'm glad I'll be done working there at the end of this month. I've been working at Solstice for the past two years, and I think it'll be a great change of pace when I go to school full time and not have to work at all! yay! But then again, where am I going to get my shopping funds? =/
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